To our Community of Heart and all our Angels of Good Will,
Hello again! It's Sunday, the first day of JUNE .. and it is indeed "busting out all over"! As we
disparately seek to catch you up on our lives, we are in Red Deer, Alberta - within a couple of weeks of return. As soon as we crossed the international border, we could feel the centrifugal force of 'home' at work in us. Most recently, we have been awed by the magnificence of the Canadian Rockies. Much as we did a 'catch up' with our "Redwoods" chapter a while back, we would like to jump forward with our next chapter and simply drive you through Jasper and Banff National Parks. The views will tell it all.
In the meantime, we take you back again. As we set forth from Santa Cruz, we felt we were entering the northern climes of California. Where were you on Monday, April 14th? See the map below? We were approaching San Francisco Bay along a coast very similar to the Big Sur.

The night before, we had camped at Half moon Bay in very windy conditions...

Above, Monday morning and our first sign of approach to urban developments. South of San Francisco, is the coastal town of Pacifica. As you can see, the coast is still a cliff high above the sea.

What are all those creatures far below us on the beach?

Within minutes they had joined us on the rim. In the background a 'dog walker' fills a trough of water for dozens of canine friends who accompany him on these daily excursions.

But this is a famous 'hang gliding zone'...

Without the right equipment, we can still imagine the feeling of 'take off'...

The 'wind sock' foretells perfect conditions, but it's the wrong type of wind. No hang gliders would dare it ...

This man, however, was prepared to launch an 'unmanned' flight ...

Have a look, way up in the heavens ...

As we rounded the corner of the peninsula, we had our first inspiring encounter with this famous icon of San Francisco ...

Getting a little bit more 'up front and personal' ...

Can't take credit for this shot, but enjoy it anyway ...

Below, the engineer responsible for making this vision a reality ... chief engineer, Joseph B. Strauss. In 1930, against all those who felt either that a bridge would not withstand the pressure of tides or the fury of storms .. AND those who felt a bridge would bring down property values, Strauss won approval for a bond issue. It was depression time, and it took the $6 million of A.P. Gionnini, founder of Bank of America, to get the project started. The bridge building began in 1933.

Here we are at Golden Gate National Park.

Guess all of you know what famous prison can be seen from this perspective ...

So lets rev up the RV and start across...

We're now on the north shore looking back. How about we walk 1/2 a mile back to the middle of the bridge?

Here we are. The wind is so strong and gusty that it throws one up against the railings. I (Lil) am thinking of my dear brother and sister-in-law, Bill and Sue Eberhart, who have very little regard for bridges. We were able to text them from here and say, "Glad you're not here!" Sue texted back, "Me too!"

Looking straight down ...

Even here, the hand of friendship and help extends ...

Safely back on 'terra firma' .. the bridge (and city) from the Marin Highlands.

Now for a trip back across the Bay ala the San Francisco ferry ...

Docking at the famous ferry landing at the foot of Market Street. This lighted clock as been a beacon of historical security to water craft far before the advent of modern navigational systems. For 150 years, ferries have facilitated the movement of commuters, passengers and goods from the Bay and beyond. This place has been the starting point for many a city parade and celebration.

It didn't take long for us to do the traditional tourist thing .. "on the streets of San Francisco".

The amazing inclines of this place ...

Our friendly conductor - engaging the 'brakes'.

Turning around at the end of the line ...

Up on Knob Hill .. Grace Episcopal Church, built on contributed private land after the 1906 earthquake and fire that leveled this area.

Walking the labyrinth and contemplating the journey ...

San Francisco is a city of famous hotels .. The Fairmount ...

The Mark Hopkins ...

In the lobby ...

The St. Francis Hotel ... scene of the 1922 "Fatty Arbuckle" affaire. Elizabeth's mother, Dudie, used to visit here. Her cousin, Matt Grandon, was the manager at the time.

Here is Elizabeth 'under' the famous St. Francis clock .. meeting point for many San Franciscans.

Down at Fishermen's Wharf is a great museum of old carnival attractions ...

Above, "Laughing Sal" - intrigued and terrified generations of children. We dare you to listen to her and not dissolve into hysteria.

Peter anxious for you to know that he neither sees, hears, speaks nor feels 'evil'.

There is a wonderful place near Mill Valley that looks like this from the street (above). Below, it looks like this from the back deck...

It is the home of a family we visited back in Maine in October, and now here in California. You may remember this great pic of the extendeed Kimmel family from Pen Lake in Muskoka ...

We visited Julie Kimmel back in Huntington Beach. This is the northern California home of Joel, Judy, Emily and Whitney (not present - though she was in Maine) Kimmel. This great family once again took us in and gave us a base for all our San Francisco wanderings.

"Thank you, again, friends. We loved being with you and continue to admire those early morning excursions!" (They're up at 5:30 AM most days to row in the harbour!).
Close by, the enchanting town of Sausalito. We enjoyed it via our bicycles.

One of Judy's local artist friends attending one of her fun projects ... (above). Below - a cliff house in the making ...

(lost our harbour picture here)
And watery residents in their house boats!

Just north of Mill Valley, we entered a territory well known for these ...

That's right - "Napa Valley" .. This is how the land looks here ...

A good place to pause ...

And visit a local winery. This is the sight of the Jacuzzi winery (above). Below, their portal of honour for the 'wine gods'.

We've arrived at the capital of California .. Sacramento (a good trivia question).

Here in Sacramento is a special street ...

A special guest room ...

And a special western cousin ...

Meet 'Hal Penney" - first cousin to Peter and oldest son of Harold Penney, Louise Penney Moffat's brother (Peter's Mom).

Here we are with Hal and Char in their back yard. Together we shared many wonderful adventures. Below, a visit to a local classic car museum ...

Hal stands by a favourite of his. It belonged to Ricky Nelson ...

Lil and Char stand beside a Nash Metropolitan - sister-in-law, Sue, drove one of these once.

While the guys were lost in the depths of this museum, Lil and Char were treated to a ride from veteran car lover, 'Walt'. Here we are in Walt's 'rumble seat'.

We had a special tour of the town from this perspective. You can see why some call it "The Mother-in-law" seat. You can't hear a word they may be trying to say back there! Sights of old town we saw from there ...

Sacramento once had a triving 'paddle wheel ' boat trade.

"All aboard, cousins!"

Does this woman look anticipatory?

How about this man applying plastic toe guards?

This adorable enfant, belongs to this family ...

Meet the resident California Penneys .. (left to right in the back: Mark (Hal's son), Hal, Sue (Hal's sister), Ingrid (wife of Steve), Steve (Hal's brother and twin to Sue). Now, the front row (from left to right): Jessica (Mark's wife), Ashlynn Penney (daugher of Mark & Jessica and Char and Hal's grandaughter), Char (proud grandmother), red-shirted David (Hal's brother), Lil and Canadian cousin, Peter.
'Thank you, Hal and Char, for the efforts you made to see that this reunion happened! Thanks to all the family. See you all in the 'Robin'!"

The next day ... visiting in the home of Mark, Ashlynn, and Jessica.

The next day, in Vacaville, visiting in the home of Sue Penney Kuntz, her husband Larry, and 2 of 3 sons: Kevin and Dennis.

We're down in Danville now, south and west of San Francisco, where the four of us visited the Black Hawk collection ...

Yes, more cars .. all in black and under spot lights ...

After an afternoon of such pursuits, we went back to San Francisco Bay for dinner aboard Hal and Char's boat ...

See these two amazing souls? They were high school sweethearts. But it took years for them to re-find each other after the circuitous routes of life. The romance continues ...

We watched the sun set ...

And tried out the bunks ...

It's another day and we leave the Bay for the distant mountains ...

It's Sunday, April 20th - our anniversary! We are celebrating with lunch after worship at 'Tahoe Forest Church" in Truckee, California. We are in the home of Hal's daughter, Tara. She and her husband, Mike Vaughn and children - hosted us to another great reunion meal.

Now come down the hall with us, where 'Carrie ' wants to show us her special bedroom place.

Next to us, is 'Brooke' - also excited to show us around her space.

Connor wanted us to meet 'Spikey', his special pet.

We'd never met a 'bearded dragon' before. So cool.

Here they each wear their best smiles. "Thank you, Vaughn family! What a great new generation!"

We're at Tahoe now. This is the 'cabin' where Char spent her childhood holidays. Hal and Char have together updated this place with a distinctive 'bear' theme. Wonderful! And that gorgeous lake greets them here, across the road, every day they are here. Much of the time, they rent to others.

Hal and Peter want you to see how much snow still remains. (darn, another pic disappears!)

Hal used to visit Char here. He still does! :^)!

Lil and Peter explore the territory.

Have you ever seen such 'blue'? Objects can be seen 75 feet below the water's surface (although it was once possible to see down 120 feet). Tahoe has been averaging a clarity loss of one foot per year due to the growth of phytoplankton (free floating algae) in the lake. This is being caused by surface water run off carrying nutrients from landscaped areas being fertilized and airbourne pollutants from auto emissions, distant factories and farms.

Yes, we are having fun.

A side trip to Squaw Valley Ski Resort ...

Retired children at play (above) ...

(Above) Now here is a great rig! "We challenge you, Hal and Char, to an RV rendez-vous at Bryce Canyon, Utah, next spring! Can we ever thank you enough? Doubtful. You're the best!"

After our farewell, we head north - toward Redding. It's a beautiful area. See below?

And it's the home of Ethan Spooner's brother, Eli. Ethan is Elizabeth's birthson.
After a breakfast together, we took this picture in the bright sun. Left to right: Eli (Ethan's older brother), Hannah, Heather, Denise (wife and mother), and Ian. Brother Isaac was unable to join us. This family, home schooled, are non the less thriving. Denise is responsible for many aspects of the cooperative program with other home schooled children.

From Redding we headed to the 'Redwoods' = subject of a former chapter of this blog. But as we were coming into Oregon after the Redwoods, we saw this great place with so many wood treasures.

Bet you didn't know how many things can be fashioned from a 'burl'.

A face, perhaps ...

Or a chair...

Here, master burl fashioner, sits with Lil as together they hold another burl treasure. Could this be a possible hobby for Peter? Very possibly ...

Just across the border, we came to the wonderful town of Ashland, Oregon.

This is the home of Gwen McMahon. She is Eloise Chevrier's good friend and one who helped organize Eloise's care at the scary time of her heart operations. Lil has looked up to her for years.

Ashland is also the home of a wonderful Shakespearian Festival - much like Stratford, Ontario.

Gwen's daughter, Terri, and son-in-law David, are members of the Shakespearian cast. Meet them below with daughter, Taylor.

"Gwen, our week with you was another gift 'beyond all beyonds'. Below we show you spring flowerings in Ashland. But more .. bouquets of love. Thank you, sister."

Could you all be 'dog tired' by now?

Well, it's time to sign off. But 'stay tuned'. Elizabeth's mother, Dudie, was an Idaho gal. She, along with her sisters Bliz and Sally, were notable souls from Lewiston, Idaho. After Gwen, we headed north to renew contacts with the 'Kettenback Clan' .. all Dudie's nieces and nephews.
Below we fortell of this western chapter. Meet one of the original pioneers...