At the rate we are going, we'll be blogging well into 2009 to catch up! We greet you from Tacoma, Washington where we are currently staying with our great friend, Winnie Unger Johnson, who Elizabeth has known since high school days. We hope this new chapter in our blog finds every one happy, with Spring in full swing and Summer not far behind.
Per usual, we are going way back, this time to our California Days. We will present California in two blog chapters. Each chapter will have two sections...starting with Places and ending with the great People who have graced our days. So, let us begin with ....
PLACES in Southern California
As we crossed from southern Arizona into California, we passed through the desert and up into the hills. Those early settlers who got this far, must have thought they had reached the ends of the earth! But the hope that spurred them was "gold in them thar hills"!
But, beware of the signs that lead you up a steep, exhausting climb to the "Desert Springs". The 'laugh' on us was almost worth the hike!
A familiar face aboard ship ...
Remember the movie "Some Like It Hot" with Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe? It was filmed here. Elizabeth was here too, once, visiting the family of her college roommate during the first Thanksgiving of their university days.
Lil, however, stocks up on vitamin D ...
The swallows, made famous in a song by Leon Rene (recorded by the Ink Spots), legendarily come back here to build their nests in time for the Feast Day of patron Saint Joseph.
Fast forward to LA and to Hollywood. Here's Peter at the Museum of Art. Surely, he's found the light!
Look up to the hills! Hardly what inspired the psalmist, but 'cool' non the less.
Found again by Peter ...
Peter and Lil chooses some of their 'wanna be' favourites ...
But, be careful! You just might walk unknowingly into a screen set! Typical on the street interview ...
From the ridiculous to the sublime .. famous 'Wayfarer's Chapel" at Palos Verdes .. a non denominational place of rest for those on the journey, offered by the Swedenborgians .
Elizabeth imagines how different an RV trip might have been in this 1938 Pierce Arrow travel home.
Back on the road and another lunch by the sea, this time at Malibu. Peter well perched for a view.
Okay, enough human opulence. Now for some of natural opulence from the original Creator. Come on with us up the Big Sur ...
We've made it up the coast quite far now. Do you recognize this place?
That tree over our left shoulders is the icon of Monterey Bay. You can find it on the scenic 17 mile road around the peninsula where the wind has sculpted the trees in a unique style.

Above: Walking on the beach at Carmel by the Sea... Below: at Pebble Beach Resort, home not only of golf, but of a famous car show.
The Pebble Beach Concourse ...

At noon Friday, on April 11, we participated in our first lottery drawing for a campsite. We were at Sea Cliffs State Park near New Breighton. When in California, the locals go to the beach for the weekend and camping sites are at a premium. People on a whim like us, need to secure a place on or before Friday morning. We got lucky. Here's a view of our beach.
You can see, this has been a popular place since the early days.

Two days of great biking through Rio Del Mar ...
This cement ship above is a famous landmark. Once bedecked as a nightclub, it has gone the way of sea walls and transitory things before the fury of ocean storms. Today it is a reef style home for fish and barnacles and a vast community of gulls. Just around the shore of the bay past the Breighton Beach fossil rocks - at a distance for a great afternoon's walk, is the funky beach at Santa Cruz. The mobs had assembled ...
And, as always, there's a pier...

And food for every appetite ... (this not being one of Peter's personal favourites. The smile is for the fact that he won't be eating one)

If you're really lucky, someone might sing you a song! ("Has anybody seen my gal ...")
Two hot rod guys chat it up with Peter and tip him off to another classic car collection at Danville.
At the end of the pier, we heard the distinct sound of collective mammal breathing ... Looking over the side, look what we found!
A pod of lounging sea lions playing chuckle belly. One younger member even performed some astounding jumps to the delight of the crowd. Word has it, this is one of their favourite hang outs.
This one above is for Tim ... Eat your heart out.
So that pretty well hits our highlights in "Southern California". It's time now to thank the great people who shared their lives with us on this part of the journey.
This is the Fallbrook, California home of Bill Lochhead. His mother, Hope, was Dudie's first cousin. And Bill spent his high school years living right next door to us in Wilmette, Illinois. He's the one who raised a big family and moved to California to work in "plastics" (shades of 'The Graduate'). The RV didn't quite make it under the car port.
Here is a shot of Elizabeth with Bill and wife, Lorena and the bikers on a jaunt to the little western town of Julian. Lots of antiques here, besides us.
Out for dinner in Timecula .. Bill, Lil, daughter Teresa, mother Lorena and son-in-law Ryan Mahoney. "How did Teresa grow up so fast? Great to meet you, Ryan, and be in your lovely home."
"Thank you, all of you, for the wonderful reunion you hosted. How wonderful to be caught up at last!"
This bright face belongs to Julie Kimmel. We spent two great nights with her in Huntington Beach, lending her car for us to explore L.A. Julie is a delightful friend from Pen Lake, where the Moffats share summer time with other great family clusters like, the "KIMMELS". Below, they gather on the steps of their cottage ...

Julie and Ed in a happy moment. While we were visiting, Ed was slaving away on a water project in the Dominican. "It was great talking to you by phone, Ed! And, Julie, thank you for all you did to make our time together comfortable, convenient and fun! See you during regatta time, where we'll share some more of this ..."

Perhaps some of you will remember my first cousin, Betty Galligan, with whom we stayed for a week in Albuquerque, New Mexico back in March. Greg Scheib, her son currently lives in L.A. Below, 'about- to- be' newlyweds Greg and Elizabeth, join us after lunch together for a visit in the RV.

Below, on the beach at Malibu. "Thank you both for finding room in your busy pre-marital agendas, to drive out and see us. Great choice, Greg! Love in abundance to you both!"

At the top of our list for 'favourite RV campsite neighbours', were David and Chris Lewis. David, a marine biologist with Channel Islands National Park, was a font of seashore and RV wisdom. He has challenged us to go more 'solar' next time around. Here we are below toasting one of those memorable "Sea Cliffs" sunsets. "Great to meet you both. Remember, you have a great Roadtrek destination in Canada!"

One of the ukulele songs I've sung since my childhood, is "I know a wienie man." Forgive us the sharing of these lyrics, but you'll see why later:
After a lifetime, we finally found the real hot dog selling, ukulele playing Wienie Man on the pier at Santa Cruz! Unbelievable! You saw him strumming and singing a song earlier in this chapter. Couldn't help but share my little song with him, it was so apropos. Only later did I see his CD's on sale and realize I'd been teaching a pro. Meet Vince Tuzzi, a great musician and hot dog salesman who also entertains on occasion at the Catalyst in Santa Cruz. Below, a bit of mutual entertainment ...

Now, below .. we all stand with the real 'Wienie Wife', Maggie. Thanks, you two. What a hoot!

Well, folks, again you receive a 'gold star' for hanging in with us until the end. We realize inevitably there will be some 'typos' in our reporting. If you only knew the risk that exists for losing the whole program, you would understand why, after publishing, we don't go back in to fix things. We've lost three great pictures just in the typing of this text. But surely this is more than enough ..
Time to bow and out! Love to all of you!
At noon Friday, on April 11, we participated in our first lottery drawing for a campsite. We were at Sea Cliffs State Park near New Breighton. When in California, the locals go to the beach for the weekend and camping sites are at a premium. People on a whim like us, need to secure a place on or before Friday morning. We got lucky. Here's a view of our beach.
If you're really lucky, someone might sing you a song! ("Has anybody seen my gal ...")
So that pretty well hits our highlights in "Southern California". It's time now to thank the great people who shared their lives with us on this part of the journey.
PEOPLE TREATS in Southern California
"Thank you, all of you, for the wonderful reunion you hosted. How wonderful to be caught up at last!"
Perhaps some of you will remember my first cousin, Betty Galligan, with whom we stayed for a week in Albuquerque, New Mexico back in March. Greg Scheib, her son currently lives in L.A. Below, 'about- to- be' newlyweds Greg and Elizabeth, join us after lunch together for a visit in the RV.
Below, on the beach at Malibu. "Thank you both for finding room in your busy pre-marital agendas, to drive out and see us. Great choice, Greg! Love in abundance to you both!"
At the top of our list for 'favourite RV campsite neighbours', were David and Chris Lewis. David, a marine biologist with Channel Islands National Park, was a font of seashore and RV wisdom. He has challenged us to go more 'solar' next time around. Here we are below toasting one of those memorable "Sea Cliffs" sunsets. "Great to meet you both. Remember, you have a great Roadtrek destination in Canada!"
One of the ukulele songs I've sung since my childhood, is "I know a wienie man." Forgive us the sharing of these lyrics, but you'll see why later:
I know a wienie man
He owns a wienie stand
He'll sell you anything from hot dogs on down.
Someday I'll share his life,
I'll be his wienie wife..
"Hotdogs" I love that wienie man!
He owns a wienie stand
He'll sell you anything from hot dogs on down.
Someday I'll share his life,
I'll be his wienie wife..
"Hotdogs" I love that wienie man!
Now, below .. we all stand with the real 'Wienie Wife', Maggie. Thanks, you two. What a hoot!
Well, folks, again you receive a 'gold star' for hanging in with us until the end. We realize inevitably there will be some 'typos' in our reporting. If you only knew the risk that exists for losing the whole program, you would understand why, after publishing, we don't go back in to fix things. We've lost three great pictures just in the typing of this text. But surely this is more than enough ..
Time to bow and out! Love to all of you!