Hello Everyone!
We are fondly thinking of you on this Canadian Thanksgiving weekend! Our welcome into this port on our journey has been graciously offered by Jim Akeroyd and his visiting son, 'little Jim' (6'7"). Many of you will know that Peter and I had Jim and Barb McLeod's wedding back in 1997. On June 24 (2007) after a long and brave battle with a brain tumour, we gathered again to send our wonderful friend, Barb, on her eternal way. She is both greatly missed and greatly present in our hearts through the power of God's Spirit. So here we are, thankful together in the strange ways of faith.
Jim resides in Saint John 75% of the time, as his work involves a key role in the tremendously complicated job (both technically and politically) of refurbishing and refitting the Candu reactor here at Point Lepreu nuclear station, for a safe 30 year future. Today we had a most interesting introduction into this brave new world, by touring Jim's work place and having the many aspects of this project skillfully explained by him with a patience well appreciated by us, given the understanding level we don't bring to the subject!
But he has also been a wonderful guide through the insides of this, his delightful second home. So here following, we share with you a few pictures from our mutual escapades together:
(Jim's harbour condo - the low building on the water's edge)
(The two Jims and Elizabeth from below on the boardwalk)
(from the condo deck)
(Would you believe this picture of a cruise shipabout to dock at "Long Wharf" just outside Jim's window?)

(Canada's oldest market - 1876 - ceiling designed like a ship's hull)

(the entire old city is networked by inside walkways)

(the library, swim complex and museums are all part of the network)

("Reggie's" - a Saint John institution. Here we are enjoying a lobster roll and the hospitality of current proprietor, Phil!)
(The band shell at King's Square)
(famous Saint John reversing falls just before low tide)

(a depiction of the falls both incoming and outgoing)
We are planning to attend a Thanksgiving Service together tomorrow morning. Time to hit the hay.

Good Morning (Sunday, October 7, 2007). This is the early sun from Jim's deck as we acknowledge that today is Peter's 63rd birthday! Happy Birthday, Peter!!!
("Who, me?" ... "Yes, you!!")
(later the same day .. birthday lunch under a Horse Chestnut tree in St. Andrew's, NB ..
just before we cross the border into Maine ... where 'Elizabeth' takes
on her childhood name again 'Lil")
Hope everyone is enjoying these unseasonably warm autumn temperatures. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! And, thank you, Jims', for a great time. First ever that our thanksgiving turkey was upstaged by salmon and a full plate of mussels!
Peter and Elizabeth