There once were two travel'in bloggers
Who'd have rather been marathon joggers
For the 'gobbledigook'
And all that mistook
Was akin to a beating by floggers.
A techie from Dartmouth named Josh
not haughty, unhelpful or posh
was a hero this day
amidst our dismay
And brought up the lost Net, "O my gosh!"
Dear Friends across Cyberspace,
We apologize for how long the gaps have become between blog entries, but we are having big problems. Our laptop, which contains all our pictures and prose, though quite able to connect to wireless, remains unable to bring up any page to work on. We have been very frustrated. To those who have asked, "Have there been any down moments?" .. the answer is "yes" in that our system of communication is not working. We have two blog entries that we cannot publish unless we put them on CD and use other people's computers. Not a happy alternative.
Yesterday we had a brilliant moment when Josh Shaw, who works at Dartmouth for their library, installed a new browser and network, believing that all the problems had to do with "Explorer". It worked great until we got back here to home base at sister Eloise and David's home, when once again even the new network could not connect. "Thank you anyway, Josh. You were a saving grace and have renewed some hope." If we can get this immediate problem solved, then we can move on to learn how to put all our pictures on the web album, which we have 'advertized' on the masthead of this blog.
For those of you who know how very ill my sister was last spring, I am happy to report that she "has been raised". Though very much engaged still in the healing process, she is able to put in a full day with the rest of us and remains a wonderful cook, able to fatten us all up for the slaughter. We have had a great week here in Saxton's River, Vermont, the report of which we trust will eventually appear on this blog with pictures. So, too, you will see reuions with friends and relatives that preceeded our establishment of this base camp.
So give us another few days of grace, and in the meantime ... "Thank you for your healing prayers for my sister." Hope all is going well for you!
With love across the miles,
'Lil' and Peter