In this case, as you can see, it was a Canadian flag taped to the garage door that let us know we were expected and welcomed!
This is the Williamsburg home of Peter and Nielsine Young, long time friends of the larger Moffat family. It was this couple that won the "long distance award" at our retirement party last spring! Though they are soon to move to Las Vegas, this did not in any way diminish the hospitality they were prepared to offer us .. all four nights and five days worth! Loads of laundry, home cooked meals, plus escorted trips to the historical sites of old Williamsburg village, Jamestown, Yorktown, and "Shirley", the oldest plantation in America and home to 11 generations of the same family.
Here are 'Peter and Elizabeth' footin' it through Williamsburg
on a warm and lovely autumn afternoon.
on a warm and lovely autumn afternoon.
Nielsine and Peter with Elizabeth Sunday at Olive Branch
Disciples of Christ Church. It has quite a history itself,
as you can read below.
Nights brought on great conversations and,
in this case (though not quite up to 'el campo' speed) we
played Nielsine's favourite game of "Mexican Train Dominoes"
Dear Youngs .. we thank you so much.
Who knows, we may be pulling in to your new home
in Las Vegas before this trip is over!
And one of the next Virginian homes we visited
was that of this family ....
Would you believe there is a Walton's Mountain?
Well, at least it's equivalent. '
Schuyler, Virginia is home of Earl Hammer, Jr.,
author and producer of 'The Waltons'.
He patterned this series on the truth of his own home town.
The museum here recreated the sets of each room
in the Walton home.
to its original state for future public visitation.
It marks the famous "Blue Ridge Parkway",
built in 1935 by Roosevelt's WPA ,
and follows mountain crests for 469 toll free miles from
Shenandoah National Park in Virginia
to the Great Smokey Mountains in North Carolina.
To travel this road is to take a trip to a former time
in driving history ... no commercial vehicles allowed,
no billboards or advertising of any kind,
no crossroads, no shoulders, indeed - no guard rails!
Oh, how we wish we had a video on this blog, but we'll give
you just a little taste. Follow that SUV ... !
Here we go ...
Let's stop for just a moment and enjoy the lookout view.
meet Peter's Uncle John Penney (the family historian)
and Aunt Martha in front of their Athen's home.
Together we attended Allen Memorial Methodist Church (Nov. 18th)
and enjoyed being treated to lunch with son John
and having the opportunity to meet his wife of 3 years, Rebecca.
(For the first time, we forgot the camera.)
We know Uncle John will see this, as he is
one of the most computer savvy members of his generation.
So, Uncle John, thank you so much!
Please give our love to all the others.
and enjoyed being treated to lunch with son John
and having the opportunity to meet his wife of 3 years, Rebecca.
(For the first time, we forgot the camera.)
We know Uncle John will see this, as he is
one of the most computer savvy members of his generation.
So, Uncle John, thank you so much!
Please give our love to all the others.
Now meet, Peter's Aunt Madeline (both Louise Moffat's siblings).
At 92 years of age, she is the current
reigning Matriarch of the Penney Clan.
At significant times in our married life, we have enjoyed her hospitality.
No less so, this time. There was a full course Thanksgiving
meal waiting for us when we arrived so late.
On this morning, we accompanied her as she took
Cinder on her morning walk. We could hardly keep up.
Her secret? She says its her daily 5:30 am swim,
exercise at the gym, gardening and a lot of fast dog walking.
No time for aches and pains to catch up.
At 92 years of age, she is the current
reigning Matriarch of the Penney Clan.
At significant times in our married life, we have enjoyed her hospitality.
No less so, this time. There was a full course Thanksgiving
meal waiting for us when we arrived so late.
On this morning, we accompanied her as she took
Cinder on her morning walk. We could hardly keep up.
Her secret? She says its her daily 5:30 am swim,
exercise at the gym, gardening and a lot of fast dog walking.
No time for aches and pains to catch up.
And who could this delightful delirious person be?
None other than Amy Adsit! Madeline's grand daughter,
who waited before returning to college, just to see us!
None other than Amy Adsit! Madeline's grand daughter,
who waited before returning to college, just to see us!
Not even First Cousin Once Removed - Peter!
She's the youngest of 3 daughers for Libby and Bill.
Thank you, folks, for this spontaneous visit
and overnight! We loved your southern hospitality
made so real. Hope your Thanksgiving
in Savannah was great.
Thank you, folks, for this spontaneous visit
and overnight! We loved your southern hospitality
made so real. Hope your Thanksgiving
in Savannah was great.
Just north and a little west, we found Dave and Jean Hermanson
in the beautiful retirement village of "Tellico" near Laudin, Tennessee.
Dave is another car enthusiast and collector with whom
Peter has corresponded for years. We've visited
them in their past homes in California and Maine.
Not hard to understand this move.
To Dave and Jean .. thanks for another special reunion!
in the beautiful retirement village of "Tellico" near Laudin, Tennessee.
Dave is another car enthusiast and collector with whom
Peter has corresponded for years. We've visited
them in their past homes in California and Maine.
Not hard to understand this move.
To Dave and Jean .. thanks for another special reunion!
(Louise Moffat's maternal grandparents) and a Lutheran minister.
Years of adolescent visits to Pen Lake have endeared him to all,
and continue to be remembered by him with nostalgia.
Peter is pictured here with Howard and wife Barb
outside their home in Cooksville, TN
after returning from southern fare at the "Dippsie Doodle".
(like 'hush puppies' and deep fried cat fish)
Howard is engaged in a cancer battle with which we all have too much familiarity.
We ask your advent prayers for Howard and Barb
that the power and love of the Christ Spirit
may be incarnate for them in profound ways this Christmas.
And where would we meet Garth?
At the Nashville Country Music Hall of Fame.
There were many other famous artists there, including ...
At the Nashville Country Music Hall of Fame.
There were many other famous artists there, including ...
A gentleman from Parkminster United Church
was admiring this country & western
star's customized '62 Pontiac convertible.
That was to be the first of three spontaneous encounters
over the next two days with Wayne and Shirley Ankeman
with whom we had spent a farewell dinner back
in Waterloo in August.
This picture is from the second meeting that night
at the Grand 'Ol Oprey at the Ryman Theater.
Truly the Spirit is friendly.
over the next two days with Wayne and Shirley Ankeman
with whom we had spent a farewell dinner back
in Waterloo in August.
This picture is from the second meeting that night
at the Grand 'Ol Oprey at the Ryman Theater.
Truly the Spirit is friendly.
The 3rd encounter at the huge Gaylord Hotel and Convention Centre.
Much later, new friends in Charleston, South Carolina,
Sandy and Richard .. who work for 'Festiva', a vacation program.
Sandy is from Mexico and helped Elizabeth call Guillermo
in Spain on his 9th birthday.
If any one is still reading .. you've now caught up to us in Florida,
a place where you can only see this kind of thing on village streets.
Sandy and Richard .. who work for 'Festiva', a vacation program.
Sandy is from Mexico and helped Elizabeth call Guillermo
in Spain on his 9th birthday.
If any one is still reading .. you've now caught up to us in Florida,
a place where you can only see this kind of thing on village streets.
See this man? This is Elizabeth's brother, Bill.
After a bite to eat, he will lead us to his home.
After a bite to eat, he will lead us to his home.
Yes, this is the place they have lived for two years,
after moving from Michigan. It is south of Ocala and is
a Del Webb development much like "Sun City" in Arizona
where Dudie and Dryden once lived.
after moving from Michigan. It is south of Ocala and is
a Del Webb development much like "Sun City" in Arizona
where Dudie and Dryden once lived.
become very involved in this tropical version and in
the local garden club. A frost recently killed
off her blooms. She was sad we couldn't see them
in all their radiance.
We are happily standing in the shade,
which hides the many imperfections.
It takes two good women to keep Bill from
rolling out of all pictures.
Here we are being treated to lunch at the club house.
And here we are really getting into Florida.
Sue and Bill allowed us to establish a base camp with them,
running errands, doing laundry, and completely cleaning
and decorating the RV. We also had time
to have fun and accompolish many things.
Thank you, dear hearts! We'll be back in January!
Presently, we are in Orlando with wireless and the
chance to catch up on all our blogging.
On December 17th Tim Moffat flies into Tampa
for 16 days of shared adventure.
We will spend Christmas together in Key West.

But there's more to come before we do our 'internet' Christmas card.
In the meantime, all good wishes ..
Good Night! zzzzzzzzzzzz
Sue and Bill allowed us to establish a base camp with them,
running errands, doing laundry, and completely cleaning
and decorating the RV. We also had time
to have fun and accompolish many things.
Thank you, dear hearts! We'll be back in January!
Presently, we are in Orlando with wireless and the
chance to catch up on all our blogging.
On December 17th Tim Moffat flies into Tampa
for 16 days of shared adventure.
We will spend Christmas together in Key West.
But there's more to come before we do our 'internet' Christmas card.
In the meantime, all good wishes ..
Good Night! zzzzzzzzzzzz